Te Hokinga Mai - Return to Self

A 6-week Transformation of Mind, Soul & Spirit

SIGN UP NOW! Come home to your true self - Starts 24th October - 28th November

The Kaupapa

Join us on a 6 Week journey where we ground in the truth of who we are.
open our eyes in reflection to all that has been, in all that is.
Let's explore the deeper realms of our emotional being and connect to our
soul expression.
Let's allow those soul expressions to speak life into our Mauri and create music, melodies, and poetries with our pain. Let these creative taonga alchemise our pain into power & peace, be woven into our story's tapestry and transported into LOVE.

The 4 core values for our THM 6-Week Program:

1. Whakaora (Healing & Self-Discovery): A commitment to personal and generational healing through the ongoing process of self-discovery and reclaiming purpose.

2. Rangatiratanga (Self-Leadership): Empowering wāhine to lead their lives with integrity, intention, and sovereignty, grounded in their values.

3. Aroha (Self-Acceptance & Love): Cultivating forgiveness, compassion, and self-love to embrace all aspects of oneself and foster emotional growth.

4. Tikanga (Cultural Connection): Honoring and integrating Māori cultural practices and spiritual wisdom as essential elements of healing and personal empowerment.

The 6-Week Online Program is a transformative journey designed for wāhine to rediscover their true selves, break generational cycles, and step into their full power.

It combines cultural wisdom, creative expression, self-leadership, and emotional healing to guide participants toward greater self-acceptance and empowerment.

Through a blend of practical tools and spiritual connection, wāhine will learn to embrace their purpose, heal past wounds, and lead with confidence, creating lasting change for themselves and future generations.

Let me challenge you with a few questions…

1. Are you ready to reconnect with your true self and rediscover who you are beyond your roles and responsibilities?

2. Do you want to break free from generational cycles of trauma and create a legacy of healing for future generations?

3. How would it feel to release past emotional pain and fully embrace self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness?

4. Are you prepared to step into your power, lead with confidence, and live a life aligned with your deepest values and cultural roots?

Are you ready to SIGN UP NOW!? $555 UPFRONT or 3x Monthly payments of $200


-6x 2 hour online group coaching calls - Thursday 7:30 pm. Starts 24th October - 28th November
-Access to replays of the calls.
-1-year subscription to the Te Hokinga Mai Skool Community
-Access to Ari's 9-part meditation series.
-Access to Ari's Breaking Bad Habits Mini-course
-Te Hokinga Mai E-book
-Voice note access to Ari for ongoing support during the 6-week transformation. (Specific hours)
-An in-person workshop in Rotorua on the 14th December 2024

Are you ready to SIGN UP NOW!? $555 UPFRONT or 3x Monthly payments of $200


  • Is at a point in her life where she seeks deeper self-discovery and a stronger sense of purpose.

  • Is committed to healing not just for herself but for her whānau, aiming to break free from cycles of trauma or limiting beliefs.

  • Is ready to release past pain, embrace self-love, and cultivate self-acceptance.

  •  values her connection to te ao wairua, and it’s spiritual wisdom

Are you ready to SIGN UP NOW!? $555 UPFRONT or 3x Monthly payments of $200


To empower you to heal, reclaim your identity, and step into self-leadership with confidence & cultural connection.

The space that we create will feel…
Safe, non-judgmental, empowering and free.


You are encouraged you to book a call with Ari if you want more clarity around how THM 6-week transformation can help with your specific needs.

Ari wants to ensure you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.

$555 UPFRONT or 3x Monthly payments of $200

  • Starts 24th October - 28th November

  • $555 UPFRONT or 3x Monthly payments of $200

    *Ts & Cs Apply

  • -12x online group coaching calls
    Wednesday & Sunday nights 7pm
    -Replays of the calls
    -Community platform to connect and share.
    -Access to Ari's meditation series.
    -Access to Ari's BBH Mini-course
    -THM E-book
    -In-person workshop 14th Dec 2024

  • Is this for beginners or those more experienced with their self-development journey?

    This kaupapa suits all levels/stages of growth.

