Tēnā tatou katoa,
Ko Te Arawa rāua ko Nga Puhi ōku iwi.
No Rotorua ahau.
Ko Ari Grant tōku ingoa.
I am a coach, facilitator and speaker with a passion for hauora (holistic wellness), empowering the reclamation of mana through self-healing & leadership.
Ōku Pou - My Values:
Curiosity - Inquisitive, adventurous.
Presence - Grounded, connected.
Tau - Centred, content, at peace & intuitively led.
Mana - Brave, outspoken & unshakeable
Free - Creative, in flow, playful, feminine, balanced
Tōku Wawata - My Dream:
I am the korowai draped gently around you.
I speak LIFE into your SOUL frequency.
I am the feathers of protection keeping you safe as you remember Rangatiratanga (self-leadership)
I help you see yourself the way your tūpuna (ancestors) do.